Episode 249

You Are Talking to Motivated Sellers Wrong with John Martinez #249

John Martinez has developed the REI Sales Program and is widely regarded as the most effective REI sales training program in the country by investors, acquisition agents, top mastermind groups, and educators.

This isn't old-school, ineffective, pushy, and manipulative sales tactics... The REI Sales Academy promotes a simple & repeatable step-by-step sales process paired with incredibly effective and ethical sales tactics. If you want to close every closable lead, then you're in the right place.

Connect with John!

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"You can invest 10,000 hours and become an expert or learn from those who have already made that investment." - Jack

About the Podcast

Show artwork for Real Estate Investing with the REI Mastermind Network
Real Estate Investing with the REI Mastermind Network

About your host

Profile picture for Jack Hoss

Jack Hoss

We gather amazing stories from leaders in Real Estate Investing. In each episode, our guests will tell you what they are doing that works, what they tried that failed, and best of all you'll learn actionable steps to take your real estate investing to the next level.