Episode 247

Return on Investment with Systems and Processes with Brandon Cobb #247

Brandon Cobb is the CEO & Chief Dream Builder At The HouseBuyinGuys based out of Nashville, TN, and does about 40+ transactions a year, mostly rehab with some wholesaling mixed in.

We chat about:
  • Rehab systems and processes - The HouseBuyinGuys did a $72,000 renovation in 10 days and filmed the whole thing. See link here: https://vimeo.com/481905701
  • Raising private money - Brandon has raised over $3.5 million in private capital and he shows people how to structure this so they never need any more money again.
  • Sales process - Brandon's background is in medical device sales and we chat about how he was able to leverage that raining and crush it in Real Estate Investing.

Connect with Brandon

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"You can invest 10,000 hours and become an expert or learn from those who have already made that investment." - Jack

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Real Estate Investing with the REI Mastermind Network

About your host

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Jack Hoss

We gather amazing stories from leaders in Real Estate Investing. In each episode, our guests will tell you what they are doing that works, what they tried that failed, and best of all you'll learn actionable steps to take your real estate investing to the next level.