Episode 148

Raw Land Investing with Adam Southey & Justin Sliva #148

Raw land investing experts Adam Southey and Justin Sliva know exactly where new investors struggle. They’ve each had massive success in their own business, and today they’re on a mission to help others learn to harness the enormous potential offered by land investments: incredible ROI, massive cash profits, and sustained passive income. After helping hundreds of other land investors find/sell amazing properties at unbelievable profits, Adam and Justin collaborated in creating powerful resources to support both new and seasoned land investors along their journey. They launched the Casual Fridays REI podcast and built a comprehensive online course that not only answered all the questions they had received from consulting clients but also incorporated the best of their own combined experience. Adam and Justin are here today to show our listeners there’s more than one way to achieve success when it comes to raw land investing.

As you can already tell we have made some changes and a few more are on the way. If you are interested in what we have planned, head over to LIKE • SHARE • JOIN • REVIEW


"You can invest 10,000 hours and become an expert or learn from those who have already made that investment." - Jack

About the Podcast

Show artwork for Real Estate Investing with the REI Mastermind Network
Real Estate Investing with the REI Mastermind Network

About your host

Profile picture for Jack Hoss

Jack Hoss

We gather amazing stories from leaders in Real Estate Investing. In each episode, our guests will tell you what they are doing that works, what they tried that failed, and best of all you'll learn actionable steps to take your real estate investing to the next level.