Episode 267

From India to Minimum Wage to Successful Syndicator with Sanjay Hegde #267

Sanjay Hegde is Founder and President of Blue Ring Investors LLC, a company formed to pool investors’ funds to purchase high-performing multifamily, senior and student housing properties in U.S. emerging markets.

His background in sales and marketing enabled Sanjay to help propel a friend’s dental practice to greater success while providing him an in-depth knowledge of the financial challenges and issues faced by busy medical professionals aiming to grow their retirement portfolios more efficiently. Sanjay realized that passively investing in real estate could provide a powerful solution to their problem, prompting the creation of Blue Ring Investors LLC to educate them and help them make smart investments to meet their ultimate long-term financial needs.

For the past 15+ years as a top-level corporate executive operating in highly competitive environments, Sanjay has consistently provided leadership to drive multimillion-dollar revenue growth through innovation, cost-effective operations and cultivation of strong business alliances.

With a formal education in pharmacy and dental marketing consultant, Sanjay understands the goals, needs and challenges of the medical professionals he works with and is dedicated to providing solutions and strategies meeting their unique situations.

We chat about:
  • What Makes Multifamily Housing, Senior Residential Facilities, and Student Housing Such Great Investments?
  • Why It’s Best To Be Part of an Investment Syndication Rather Than Investing Alone
  • The Secret to Locating Emerging Markets
  • Why Creating Passive Income Can Be the Key to Retiring Early and Spending Time With Family
  • Sanjay’s Story – Coming From India as a Trained Pharmacist, but Being Unable To Continue That Career in the US – Working His Way up the Ladder From Minimum Wage to the Success He Has Today

    Connect with Sanjay Hegde!
  • Website: https://blueringinvestors.com
  • LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/sanjay72/

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"You can invest 10,000 hours and become an expert or learn from those who have already made that investment." - Jack

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Real Estate Investing with the REI Mastermind Network

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Jack Hoss

We gather amazing stories from leaders in Real Estate Investing. In each episode, our guests will tell you what they are doing that works, what they tried that failed, and best of all you'll learn actionable steps to take your real estate investing to the next level.